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MangaStream – Is It Down? 19 Best Alternatives To Read Manga Online In 2021 

Let’s talk about manga, shall we? I love mangas and I know you do too. They have a long and complex history in Japanese art. It has gradually made a way to everyone’s heart including ours, all around the world over the course of time. Almost all of us wanted to be a’ mangaka’ (a manga artist) once in our lives. If someone is appalled by the fact that you love mangas, tell them that Manga is our solace in this cruel, cruel world. Its global domination is nothing new. We are all aware of its popularity.

To those of you who have no idea that what on earth manga is, it is a graphic novel created in Japan.

What is Mangastream?

MangaStream is a very popular site to quench your thirst for manga in a go. The site has been in business for a decade now. The reason behind its popularity for years is that is has a very simple interface which made it very user-friendly, the manga content it provides is crisp and has quite some array of a genre that includes everything from sci-fi, to action, romance and much more and all of it was provided in different languages as well, it also provided you with an option to search your loved manga. 

Why Did It Go Down?

Mangastream decided to put a full stop to their services in order to promote the legal reading of content. Another reason was to help services like MangaPlus grow and thrive into a site that puts out free content. They wanted the readers to read the content only from legal sources. The most famous manga scanlation sites that have gone off the internet as of now.

Comics have been an escape for everyone for a long time now, a way to live your fantasy. And we won’t let anyone take that away from you. So, here we are with some of the very best alternatives to Mangastream to let you have your share of joyful reading. We have left links to the website to speed up your search. There, there! Your favorite manga is waiting for you.

Link to the site- is a site very similar to Mangastream and a good alternative to it. It helps you get all the latest manga in one place. The site has well organized its content into genres to which they belong that includes romance, sci-fi, comedy, fancy, horror, and much more. The site provides you an option to bookmark your favorite manga so that you can easily get to it the next time you pay your visit.

The interface is simple and quite easy to use. The site requires no account and is FREE. It is accessible on all the platform. The only drawback is the frequent popping up of ads.


Link to the website-

TenManga is a good alternative to MangaStream. It has got loads of manga for you to read and many more to discover. You can search for your favorite manga comic from the search tab provided. The site has a large database that includes comics from different genres. The site brings you a special feature called ‘Surprise’, which you can use if you’re not sure what to read or want to read something new.

The site has a user-friendly interface. The one big pros of this site are that there are no ads popping up to interrupt you while reading. It’s a great site and worth a visit.

3. MangaReborn

Link to the website-

MangaReborn, another enjoyable alternative for MangaStream. The site is very simple but has got some pretty good stuff for your love of reading. The interface of this site has been kept very simple and is easy to navigate. The site has got a news section that keeps you updated with the latest buzz of the manga world. It may ask you to register at some time. The site is free and no annoying ads at all and accessible through any platform.

4. MangaEden

Link to the website-

MangaEden comes up next among the alternatives of MangaStream. MangaEden is a fine website for your manga cravings but has a very limited array of genres to choose from. The collection is updated frequently for the latest content. The interface is unvarnished which makes it easy to use. 

While the site is free but has got some features which are accessible only when you register. No annoying ads and can be reached through any platform.

5. MangaKakalot

Link to the website-

Another alternative to MangaStream is MangaKakalot. MangaKakalot is a typical website with everything kept very simple. The site has a passable collection of comics. It gives an option to search for the manga you need. The interface of this site is very handy, easy for the children too. This website works smoothly with no ads popping up. It can be accessed through any platform and it is completely free.

6. Mangago

Link to the website-

Mangago is the best alternative among all. The site has pretty good features in its beta version. The site has a jumbo database with all the best-loved manga that includes Naruto, Astro Boy, One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, and many more. The site won’t let anyone down and has content for all the age groups. 

The interface is unambiguous and user-friendly. The site has a special feed section for updates. The site has a section where you can post your queries. It has no pop-ads to disturb you and is accessible on any platform. It is highly recommendable. 


Link to the site-

Packed with manga comics this site is simple and fascinating. It is another best alternative to MangaStream.The with comes with a great collection of comics, that includes some of the very celebrated manga as well.

The site comes with some very good features it allows you to change themes between light and dark mode, you can turn off the adult content, bookmark your favorite manga, gives you an option to choose the number of images you want to see on one page, an image zoom mode and some more, you can find them under the setting option. The interface is cool and easy to handle. No pop-up ads. It can be accessed on any platform.


Link to the site-

MangaHere is yet another good alternative to MangaStream.The site has a quite good collection of comics which is well organized under different genres namely romance, action, comedy, supernatural and more. It updates its database regularly. The site has a very catchy look.

It has a search tab to make it easy to look for your manga and also you can find a tab ‘ Manga spoilers & News ‘which provides you updates and info about the manga world. The interface is easy to use. No ads popping up to annoy you while you read your comic. The site is accessible by any platform. MangaHere has an app for its android users also.


Link to the site-

MangaOwl is a good alternative to MangaStream. MangaOwl comes with a decent database for the manga comics including all the famous manga. the site frequently updates the database to bring you the latest chapters. MangaOwl gives you the option to search for the manga of your choice.

The site comes with a nice and easy interface. It has a discussion forum where you can share information or update with your co-readers. The site is ad-less to make your visit enjoyable. You can access the site through any platform an all of this without spending a single penny. 

10. MangaPanda

Link to the site-

MangaPanda is a fine alternative for MangaStream. The site is very plain with a considerable collection of manga comics that includes mangas from various genres that are comedy, romance, action, etc. The site updates its collection regularly. The site also has an option where you can watch anime and Chinese movies as well.

MangaPanda comes with an unfussy and user-friendly interface. The site is good but I won’t recommend it for children because of the adult content and no option to turn it off. The site is accessible by almost all the platforms and comes with the app. Though the site is free the frequent popping of ads can annoy you.

11. Mangairo

Link to the website-

Mangairo is another site to look for your favorite manga. The site has a decent collection of manga comics that that includes from very popular to the newest ones. Mangairo regularly updates its manga collection. You can search for you loved manga through the search tab provided or it is been sorted under the genres for your ease. the comics are available in multiple languages as well. It brings the momentarily trending manga series.

The site has an unadorned interface that is easy to use. Mangairo is an ad-free site where you can enjoy your comics without any interruption and also accessible on various platforms.


Link to the website-

The site Manganelo is very similar to the above mention site MangaKakalot. The site comes with a substantial amount of collection for your reading and is kept under different genres for your facility. Manganelo updates its comic collection regularly.

The interface is pretty much the same as that of MangaKakalot which is simple and trouble-free. The site has no ads popping up. So, there is no disturbance. It can be accessed through multiple platforms.


Link to the website-

MangaReader is another alternative for you to read your favorite manga. MnagaReader is similar to MangaPanda look-wise. It has a standard collection of manga comics which is regularly updated. It also provides you with an option to watch your loved anime shows.

Since the site is similar to MangaPanda, the interface is similar to that of it. The site is not recommended for children due to some adult content. The sites can be annoying due to the frequent pop-up ads. The site has an application for an android user which can be downloaded from the Play Store. MangaReader is accessible through a number of platforms.

14. KissManga

Link to the website-

KissManga is yet another alternative to the MangaStream. It has got a limited collection but provides you with quality content. The comic collection has regular updates to bring you the latest chapters of your favorite manga. It notifies you with the recently added chapters.

The interface is plain and user-friendly. The site could be easily browsed by children and is safe. There are no ads and hence no interruption while you read. Furthermore, it can be accessed through any platform.


Link to the website-

MangaTown is one of the best alternatives for MangaStream. It has quite some collection of manga comics. The well-organized site brings you your loved manga under different genres of vampire, action, romance, adventure, and much more.

The site comes with some pretty good features which include notification for the latest release, the present hits, has a tab where you can see all the comics you have finished reading. It has a Facebook and Twitter handle which can be followed for further updates.

The site has a groovy interface but easy to handle at the same time. It also provides an option to share your loved comics with your friends. The site has no pop-up ads. MangaTown is free and can be accessed through different platforms.


Link to the site-

AnimePlanet is another alternative to read your favorite manga comics. It has a good range of manga collection and the content is regularly updated by the site. This site along with manga it also gives an option to watch your favorite anime shows.

The site has an easy to use interface. No sign up required for reading your loved manga or watching an anime you like. The site provides free content with no pop-up ads. AnimePlanet is accessible through any platform. You should give it a go.


Link to the site-

ToonGet provides you a lot of great content. It brings you a nice collection of manga. The content is kept up-to-date. ToonGet along with manga gives you a chance to watch all your favorite anime and cartoon shows. 

The interface is simple and can be easily browsed. The site does not require you to sign-up for all of its free content. The site can be easily accessed through any platform.

18. MangaDex

Link to the site-

MangaDex is a site where you can get decent manga collection for your reading. The site provides with average reading content. Though the content is average MangaDex updates it frequently. It provides you an option to search the manga you are looking for.

The interface is elementary and you can browse it easily. The site does not annoy you with the ads popping up. MangaDex is easily available on any platform. 

19. Chia-Anime

Link to the website-

Chia-Anime is a site where you can read manga and watch anime and cartoon shows of your choice. The site has a limited and updated collection of manga. The site provides a search option in order to ease your search.

The interface is simple. The site provides free content. There are no pop-up ads and site is accessible on any platform. 


When you read, you enter a world that is entirely yours. Don’t waste your time doing things that do not give you pleasure. But I swear on my life, mangas are something you wouldn’t regret laying your eyes on. It’s the best, trust me. Miracles happened on this earth a long time ago and manga was born. Nothing can inspire you more than experiences. Manga IS that experience. If you’ve been feeling a little low lately, you’ll connect to the characters. They inspire you that it was, it is and it will always be you to help yourself out of a crisis. That your feelings are still valid and no matter what, you are not allowed to give up on yourself. That these beautiful things still exist in this chaotic world of ours. Albeit we have to look for them but what’s a life without a purpose. So, are you done wasting your time? Start reading already.


No, these sites don’t charge for their content. You can watch your favorite cartoon or anime anytime for free. But these sites may ask you to register to unlock the extra features they provide.

No. Most of them do not require any kind of subscription, on the least they will ask you to sign up. 

Pop-up ads can be annoying. Well, there’s a solution to it. You can download Ad-blocker extension on your browser which will prevent ads from popping up.

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Mangastream Read Manga Online For Free

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Mangastream : Read Manga Online For Free

Ambika Taylor
March 26, 2021
Comments Off on Mangastream : Read Manga Online For Free

For individuals who are devotees of comics and love reading comic books and mangas, this is the ideal spot. The article will inform you regarding the Mangastream site which gives a stage to its clients where they can come to read and make the most of their comic books and manga.

Comic books have had an impact in the existence of many individuals. As kids, individuals wanted to purchase new comic books and mangas and read them over and over. It was the best bliss on the planet to them. Superheroes comics were the fury back then. Each individual would have their own most loved hero and would strictly purchase every one of the comic books of that superhero. The new flood of comic book films from comic giants like Marvel and DC and revived the comic book industry and another interest has created in the hearts of individuals to purchase comic books once more.

Cartoons shows and superheroes have now become the stuff of the legend. Prior they had a specialty crowd however the achievement of superheroes movies has given them another life and their fame isn’t going down any time soon.

Prior, individuals used to need to go to comic book shops and purchase actual duplicates of their number one comics. Yet, presently circumstances are different. Innovation has progressed a ton and because of this, there are currently advanced digital formats of comic books accessible on the web. Along these lines, an individual doesn’t need to escape their home to read and make the most of their comic books or mangas. Since the comic books are accessible on the web, their fan base has additionally expanded greatly as new individuals who were curious about these things are currently focusing on it.

Manga is an alternate stream of comic books. Each comic book probably heard the term ‘manga’ at any rate once in their life. Manga is a Japanese word used to allude to comic books and realistic books of that country. There is a great deal of reach with regards to Manga comics. Activity Action, drama, science fiction etc.are only a portion of the numerous types that are there in the Manga world. Mangas don’t engage a specialty market. Manga comics have adherents from all around the globe.

Mangastream is a site where manga comics darlings can go to read their number one comics. The site offers its types of assistance to the clients free of charge. There are different classes in which comic books can be effectively isolated into. Mangastream does likewise. The entire has been conveniently coordinated and the substance has been appropriately isolated into various classifications, making it simpler for the clients to explore the site to look for the comic books that they need to peruse.

Also Read:- Mangastream – Is it Active? Top 6 Best Alternative Manga Sites

The following classification is prominent. Clearly, there are some mangas that are more famous than others. Naruto, One Punch Man, Death Note and so on appreciate a faction following from individuals everywhere in the world. This classification is useful for individuals who are new to the universe of mangas. With this class, they will actually want to know which mangas are the best ones and which manga the individual in question should begin understanding first.

6 hours ago

1 day ago

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Best Thanksgiving Memes of 2019

Thanksgiving is the time when people celebrate the joy and love with happiness with their friends, family, colleagues and everyone. Our collection of Happy Thanksgiving Memes 2019 is well researched and we have selected the�best thanksgiving memes�for you. Check them out and share with your loved ones!

Happy Thanksgiving Memes 2019 For Canada & USA:

This Thanksgiving, cherish the time spent with your family as a reminder of why you moved very far away from your family.

Happy Thanksgiving Memes 2019 About Family:

Something’s up: The farmer just unfriended me on facebook.

Happy Thanksgiving Memes 2019

Thanksgiving day and the food is ready!

Thanksgiving Day Memes 2019

And not a single thank was given that day!

Happy Thanksgiving Meme 2019

Happy thanks-giving

Happy Thanksgiving Memes 2019

It’s turkey day. Live it up.

Happy Thanksgiving Meme 2019

Let’s give thanks to the lord.

Happy Thanksgiving Memes 2019

Happy thanksgiving now burn the village!

Happy Thanksgiving Memes 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving 2019

Be Thankful!

Funny Thanksgiving Memes 2019 For Canada & USA:

I cooked my family…a great thanksgiving dinner!

Funny Thanksgiving Meme 2019

How I feel after Thanksgiving!

Funny Thanksgiving Meme 2019

Drats! I’m the chicken, Turkey went that way!

Funny Thanksgiving Memes 2019

Happy thanksgiving! F**k you!

Funny Thanksgiving Meme Photos 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

Funny Turkey Thanksgiving Memes 2019

Happy Thanksgiving, wanna help me stuff the Turkey? If you know what I bean!

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Don’t forget to set your scales back ten pounds this week.

Funny Thanksgiving Meme Images 2019

Is it true, that you just love me for my breasts?

Funny Thanksgiving Meme 2019

I’m patiently waiting, for thanksgiving like.

Funny Thanksgiving Meme 2019

Request from your friendly turkey… Eat Ham… Happy Thanksgiving!

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Comes within one vote of being a national bird. Mass genocide every year instead!

Funny Thanksgiving Memes For Facebook

Thanksgiving jokes: Why do the pants of pilgrims keep falling down? Because their belt buckles are on their hats!

Funny Thanksgiving Jokes Memes

Funny Thanksgiving jokes meme: What kind of music did the pilgrims like? Plymouth Rock! What kind of tan did pilgrims get at the beach? Puritan!

Turkey Jokes For Thanksgiving Day:

What do turkeys like to do on sunny days?

Have peck-nics!

Why can�t you take a turkey to church?

They use fowl language.

What happened to the turkey who got into a fight?

He got the stuffing knocked out of him!

What do you call it when it rains turkeys?

Fowl weather!

What do space station turkeys say?

Hubble, Hubble, Hubble.

What�s the most musical part of a turkey?

The drumstick.

Why do turkeys lay eggs?

Because if they dropped them, they would break.

We hope that you will appreciate this blog post and like these hilarious Thanksgiving Memes of 2019 and will share them on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the WhatsApp accounts. You are free to use these best Funny Happy Thanksgiving Memes, Pictures and Images of 2019 as wallpapers on your desktops, Android phones and can take printouts based on your needs. We hope and we wish that you and the people around you, will enjoy this Happy Thanksgiving Day of 2019 as much as us.

Madrasrockers 2021


MadrasRockers 2021 – Latest Tamil HD Movies Download Website, Madras, Madras, Madras

Madras Rockers HD Movies Download 2021 || Illegal HD Movies Website : Madras Rockers is responsible for leaking a vast number of content for a long time now. Here is all you need to know about this notorious piracy website.Madras Rockers is a buzz word in Tamil nadu and a word of panic for Tamil cinemas and people wants to know how much money Madras Rockers making, what is the benefit by doing this

MadrasRockers is a piracy illegal public torrent website website that allows its users to download pirated movies for free. This notorious online portal is responsible for mainly leaking only,


About Madras Rockers

Madras Rockers is an online website where they upload Tamil movies and dubbed Hd movies on the first day of the release and few movies before they hit the local screen. Posing as a big threat to cinema producers but entertaining college students, middle-class employees, and homemakers who cannot afford much on a movie with their families.

Who is Madras Rockers Owner and Admin?

Although it is not very clear on the names of the Madras Rockers owner and admin, police had arrested 5 people associated with Madras Rockers.

The cops got a breakthrough via a Haryana based advertising firm that works with popular websites. The Tamil film industry thought this could be the end of piracy giant but the present day scenario is known to everyone including you and me.

Motive of Madras Rockers

The vision or motive of the Madras Rockers is still unknown but it’s very clear if any cinema celebrities make a statement against them then they know how to avenge them. Knowing their intention many cinema personalities are very careful before they make any statement.

There are several websites like Madras Rockers and Tamil Rokers that pirate movies and leak them online for free movie downloads before the movies could even release. From trailers to newly-launched movies, nothing  is left untouched by such unlawful online portals. Many fans support piracy as they get to watch the latest movies for free online.

South Indian movies have fallen prey to many illegal sites that pirate their videos and leak them online for free download. Piracy has been affecting the box-office collection of many hit movies across the world. The number of such netizens who cannot wait to watch their favourite movie tend to download these pirated movies. This has led to a decrease in the number of audiences that go to movie theatres to watch the newly-released films.

How does Madras rockers site work?

Madras Rockers 2021 is a piracy website. Madras, madras, Madras is a public torrent website which leakes Tamil movies for free HD download online. It is consistently hindered for robbery with government law. In any case, the page has its own particular manner of being taken. The site continues utilizing different other mirror locales and simultaneously it continues to change the URL and is its own particular manner of keeping the business running. Here are some old URLs of Madrasrockers that at this point don’t work.

Details about ‘Madras Rockers’

Madras Rockers is a piracy website that allows its users to download pirated movies for free. This notorious online portal is responsible for mainly leaking only Tamil and Tamil dubbed movies before their release or as soon as they are exhibited in theatres. Viewers can easily enjoy free movies online on these platforms, often in full HD quality.

While this site enjoys the pleasure of having numerous viewers on their site, it has also gained a lot of popularity amongst the Tollywood films loving crowd. However, production houses and actors have been continuously filing complaints against such piracy sites and they keep asking the audience to not entertain such portals.

What makes different from others

This piracy website keeps leaking free HD Tamil and Tamil dubbed movies on the internet for free download shamelessly. Also, Madras Rockers lures traffic by providing them with the latest Tamil movie to download with a better performing website. The online piracy portal displays an extensive list of the latest leaks on their homepage. It has a Madras Rockers Menu section that lists the movies according to the year of release.

Tamil dubbed movies have a seperate section for the audience to find their favourite movies easily. The Madras Rockers menu also has a subsection of Tamil actors movie collections where a person can browse movies of their favourite actors as well. The site calls itself mobile friendly and it is generally designed for easy mobile accessibility.

Is Madras rockers a protected site?

No Madrasrockers is a protected site. The Government of India has impeded such robbery sites just as Madrasrockers. Along these lines, utilizing it would be an immediate infringement of government rule. So we need you to either utilize genuine sites or utilize paid destinations to watch Madras Rockers online recordings.

Some Movies Leaked by Madras Rockers website

Madras Rockers 2021 in India

Since piracy is illegal in India, the Indian government has banned sites like Madras Rockers,123Movies,  Movierulz and Tamil Rockers but that has failed to stop the leak of movies on such websites. To get around the ban, MadrasRockers online website keeps routinely changing its domain name extension and keeps leaking a lot of movies from various film industries illegally. The site then allows users to download full movies in cam or HD prints online.

Similar websites like Madras Rockers 2021 free movie download site

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Also There are many Website that you can Check on Pintrest.

What is the government doing to stop piracy?

The Government has taken definitive steps to eradicate piracy of films. As per the Cinematograph Act approved in 2019, any individual found recording a movie without the written consent of the producers can face a jail term up to 3 years. Besides this, a fine of ₹10 lakhs can also be imposed on the culprits. People circulating pirated copies on illegal torrent websites can also face a jail term.

Will I go to jail or be fined for downloading a movie illegally from Madras Rockers?

According to the piracy law in India, if a person is taken to the court and it is proven that he/she has knowingly infringed or helped someone else infringe and download a copyrighted movie from Madras Rockers online website, then it would be considered to be a criminal act. The court will assume that the person knew of the infringement because in most cases the movie contains a watermark or notice which indicates that it is a copyrighted work.

Under the law, the punishment for a person being convicted for their first such offence is a jail term for six months and three years, with a fine between ₹50,000 and ₹200,000 (depending on the seriousness of the offence).

Madras rockers uncommon

We have additionally referenced before that numerous sites are accessible for Movies Download on the Internet. Yet, in the event that you are asking why Madras rockers turned out to be so famous or what is so uncommon about Madras rockers that stands out enough to be noticed, here are the reasons why the site is so popular.

Countless motion pictures are accessible on the site. What’s more, Hollywood or Bollywood, yet additionally different Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam films on the site. This gives guests a gigantic selection of choices with regards to picking a film.

The versatile cordial site is another purpose behind the site’s prevalence. It encourages clients to get to the website from their versatile and maybe downloads the motion pictures in their framework with a tick.

There is countless motion pictures on the site. He isn’t just from Bollywood and Hollywood, yet in addition has numerous Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam films. You can watch other language films in any event, when you don’t know about the dialects ​​because the site has named Dual sound motion pictures. Double sound films give you both language sounds in similar recordings. You don’t have to download various variants to hear it in two distinct dialects.

Highlights of Madras Rockers 2021?

With regards to picking motion pictures, countless films favor the crowd, however some of the time finding a film is somewhat befuddling. So films are arranged into various classifications. These classifications assist the individual with picking a film as indicated by his temperament.

Madras rockers are one of those sites that give the best recordings properties in least information stockpiling. HD motion pictures are accessible in little stockpiling of 300mb. It is amazing how acceptable the nature of recordings is.

While downloading Madras Rockers Movies, you will get a few choices regarding which pixel quality you can decide for yourself. There are possibilities for 360p, 720p or 1080p. Just you need to choose prior to clicking to download.

Madras Rockers Website

Madrasrockers is a well known films download site. It has some particular characteristics that make it so unique and fitting for its clients. Madras rockers can be a famous objective for Hollywood, Bollywood, Tamil, Telugu films download. Some exceptional highlights of this site make it satisfactory and quite certain for the clients. At just 300MB without lessening picture quality, you will have the option to download all films. You can likewise get double sound or named rendition film from this site.

Our huge assortment of libraries of numerous kinds of Madras Rockers films is appropriate for all film sweethearts. With this sort of collection, motion pictures are arranged into a few locales. Else, it dazzles the guest as they attempt to visit their files and examine the movies however they would prefer. The site is presently extraordinary compared to other cloudy sites.

Disclaimer – Innovationguru does not aim to promote or condone piracy in any way. Piracy is an act of crime and is considered a serious offence under the Copyright Act of 1957. This page aims to inform the general public about piracy and encourage them to be safe from such acts. We further request you not to encourage or engage in piracy in any form.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Madras Rockers

Truly, it is illicit to do as such. Indeed, even abroad, it is unlawful to download motion pictures from comparative pilfered sites. On the off chance that by any possibility you get captured by the specialists, you may get a punishment charge or at times detainment.

No, obviously not. Madras Rockers 2021 isn’t at all protected to utilize. It is an illicit site and the client can be charged liable by the law of the country. It is constantly proposed and prescribed to utilize lawful sites.

Truly, you can. Be that as it may, it is astute not to utilize the website to download films, as it is unlawful, and you may deal with legitimate indictments for abusing the law.

You can get all sort of films on this site. Here are some the classes, Bollywood 300mb, Bollywood 720p and others.

The person who is indicted may get a punishment charge 50,000/ – to 200,000/ – and furthermore may get imprisoned for a half year.

The most effortless approach to open all the connections is to utilize a VPN. At that point it gets simpler, albeit the downloading of motion pictures is free and open to everybody. But since of a few hacks and deceives, we probably won’t have the option to ride all the substance, so it is prescribed to utilize a VPN.

Yes, Madras Rockers can be used by people for free to stream and download movies and web series.

Tamilyogi can be considered to be a great alternative to Madras Rockers because of the fact that both sites specialise in Tamil language content.

If a person wants to watch French cinema, he or she should definitely pay a visit to Streamog.

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Torrentz2 Proxy List | Working 100% Unblock Torrentz2 Proxies/Mirrors

Downloading Files With Torrentz2 

There are many BitTorrent users who want to transfer files quickly and easily, which is the reason why we use the popular BitTorrent software, also known as the “torrentz2” software. However, to get started, we usually download torrents that have very limited bandwidth, but there is a better option: use a torrent hosting service instead.

Table of Contents

How to Streamline Your Torrenting With a Private Torrentz2

The reason why we choose to download torrentz2 Proxy from these websites is that there is always a fast transfer speed. We prefer to use well-known and trusted torrent hostings services such as or We want to share our favorite files with everyone and we don’t want to wait for our downloads to finish downloading.

Torrent hosting sites are very easy to use. We simply choose the files that we want to download, enter our username and password, and follow the simple instructions. Soon we will have our own download directory up and running.

Before using a Torrentz2 proxy and mirror sites to share files, we need to create a new account and set a username and password. This is because most torrent hosting sites do not have their own user interface and require us to fill in our personal details. Once our account is set up, we can start to download it.

Downloading file torrents is pretty easy because these directories always provide us with a fast transfer speed and we can also select which files we want to download. This makes it very convenient for sharing files with other people and having fun.

Torrent hosting websites are much more popular than ordinary file sharing websites. Many users download files from these sites, and many users download many files. However, many torrent clients have problems with these sites and that is why they prefer to use them.

A few torrent clients are known to have problems with this type of site, and this is why they require extra security. Luckily, using torrent software has provided us with such security, which is why we no longer need to pay a lot for such security.

When we use a private torrentz2 directory, we can choose the files that we want to download. It is possible to download and share any kind of file from these sites. These websites are safe, secure, and do not need much space to work.

As is one of the most popular sites that have hundreds of millions of users, we need to download to the site to enjoy its services. Also, we can share files with other people without uploading them to the public.

The first step to access any blocked site is through a proxy site. However, proxy sites don’t ensure privacy and data protection. Moreover, they can be easily detectable by modern firewalls. So, we need to look for something more efficient. i.e, The VPNs.

VPN ( Virtual Private Network ) will route all your internet traffic through a virtual IP address so that your network or ISP doesn’t know what website or app you are visiting. VPNs also encrypt your data while passing through the network. So, you are data is 100% safe.

Once we sign up with, we can set a username and password and start sharing files. Usually, the files that we download are done so through a link. After the torrent download has finished, we can copy the file we need and save it on our hard drive or on another computer.

The way that works are very simple. If we choose a certain file, we can click on the right mouse button and choose “Share”. There are a number of options available.

We can copy the link that is sent to us to share the file with others, create a new torrent in order to download files from these sites and to send a link to someone else to download. There are thousands of websites that offer to correct software, but we only need one. We don’t need to go through all the hassle of finding one and then downloading it.

Guideline: Downloading copyright-protected content is never supported, the article is for information purposes only. Contents not illegal to download from Torrents. It is illegal when copyrighted materials are downloaded and distributed.

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Publisthispost is an informative blog, youthful is a gathering of business visionaries whose desire is to offer a voice to different feeling holders crosswise over different geologies. our site has information about Technology write for us Gadgets, Business, Education, Entertainment, Health & more.

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You’ve done with spring clean, and the home is looking prepared to sparkle splendid through the late spring months, yet…

Best GbWhatsApp Tricks That Every User Should Know

Who doesn�t know about WhatsApp? It is the most popular messaging android application in the world. We guess Every mobile phone user must be using WhatsApp in his or her phone. Why so? Because WhatsApp is the cross-platform messaging application. It supports almost every mobile operating systems from Android to iPhone, BalckBerry, Windows phone, and Nokia too.

WhatsApp is so popular because of its features like unlimited messaging, group chat, audio calls, video class, its features of sharing media files, sharing location and updating status.

But do you know that you can get much more features than what WhatsApp provides?

What to know how?

Well, This article is all about that.

By replacing your WhatsApp with another excellent messaging app called GbWhatsApp, you can get much more features than what WhatsApp Provides to its users.

Even, you don�t have to replace if you have two mobile numbers and some extra space on your mobile.

In this article, we are going to introduce you to all the features provided by�GbWhatsApp.�But before we proceed to the features Let us introduce with�GbWhatsApp.

Note:�if you have already downloaded and installed GBWhatsApp in your device then we advise you to scroll a little bit down and start reading this article from �Wondrous Features in GbWhatsApp� because that is the part this article which explores�Best GbWhatsApp Tricks.

What is GbWhatsApp?

GbWhatsApp is a modified version of the official WhatsApp Messaging app. It�s moded by some really creative people who love to do innovative things all the time.

The developers of GbWhatsApp created this app intending to provide much more feature in WhatsApp. And they are successful.

GbWhatsApp is the most powerful modified version of WhatsApp, and many other mod app creators are trying to copy the functionality and features of this app, but they are not successful enough.

Here is the link to�download gbwhatsapp

What makes this app powerful?

The one word answer is ��Its features. GbWhatsApp provides some features that are hard to believe for WhatsApp users. Do you want to know what features? Well, we are here to let you know everything about all the features in GbWhatsApp, but before explaining about all the features of it, we want to let you know some unbelievable feature-

  • Always Online Feature
  • Sending Videos up to 50 MB
  • Do not Disturb Mode
  • Hide Typing
  • Hide Online Status

These are just a few functionalities in this app that makes this app much-much powerful than WhatsApp, but in the next section, we are going to explore almost all features.

How to Install GbWhatsApp

Installing GbWhatsApp is very easy. You can install this app as you install other downloaded APK files of any other apps into your device.

Note: Before you try to install the APK file of GbWhatsApp, You should enable installation from unknown sources to function in your device.

If you are curious about how to do that, then follow the following step-

1. Go to Setting of your phone.

2. Find Security settings.

3. Tap on the Security setting to open it.

4. Now you will find the��Unknown Sources��option and enable it.

Done!! Now, Install GbWhatsApp APK and verify your phone number. The process of Installation and verification the same as WhatsApp.

Wondrous Features in GbWhatsApp

Finally, We are going to explain about wondrous features in GbWhatsApp. We are sure, after knowing about the wondrous features that GbWhatsApp provides, you are going uninstall another version of WhatsApp.

Best GbWhatsApp Tricks That Every User Should Know-�First of all, we are going to explore Privacy related Tricks in GBWhatsApp.

GbWhatsApp provides many privacy features that are very useful for WhatsApp users. We are going to talk about each privacy tricks one by one.

Trick 1 � Hide Online Status Trick

Sometimes hiding online status trick can be very useful for many of us. Hiding online status can be a handy trick for the student whose �Last seen� is being checked by their parents or any other family members.

You can hide online status by following these simple steps-

  • Tap on the three dots at the top right corner of the GbWhatsApp
  • Now, You will get�privacy�options, tap on that.
  • Here, You will find an option to�Hide Online Status,�tap on that.
  • Done.

To show online status again, tap on three dots then tap on privacy, and here you will find��Show Online Status��instead of �Hide Online Status.�

Trick 2 � Hide Blue Ticks

Hiding Blue Ticks is as simple as hiding online status. To apply this trick, Tap on triple dots�>Privacy�>Blue Ticks.

Now you have to choose either you want to hide blue ticks for contacts or groups.

In this same way, You can�Hide Second Tick, Writing Status, Recording, Blue Microphone, and Hide View Status.�You should try it now.

Trick 3 � Read Deleted messages in GbWhatsApp

There is a trick in GbWhatsApp that allow you to read deleted messages. In order to, start this feature follow the steps below.

Tap on triple dots�>Privacy�>Enable Anti revoke

Trick 4 � Enable DND Mode in GbWhatsApp

This is one of the awesome features of GbWhatsApp. Sometimes we can have a situation when keeping our mobile connected to the internet would be important to us but at that time, getting WhatsApp messages would be irritating. The situation could be anything like Watching videos on YouTube or reading an awesome blog post.

In such a case, you can Enable DND Mode in GbWhatsApp.

Follow the steps to Enable DND Mode in GbWhatsApp-

  • Open GbWhatsApp.
  • Find the Wifi like icon at the top of the application. Tap on that.
  • The app will conform to �Enable DND mode� Tap on OK button.
  • Done

Trick 5- Download Status

Using GbWhatsApp you can always download status uploaded by any of your friends. To do that open or play any status.

Trick 6 � Changing themes in GbWhatsApp

GbWhatsApp provides numbers of themes in its theme library you can download any theme of your choice and download it for free of cost.

To do so, Tap on triple dots�>GBSettings�>Themes

Trick 7 � Auto-reply message

In GbWhatsApp Auto-reply message is one of the useful features. When you are busy you can set an auto-reply message like ��Hey I�m busy right now, Please contact me later.

To do so, Tap on triple dots�>GBSettings�>Auto-reply

Trick 8 � Copy Profile Status

You can copy the profile status of any of your friends. Just go on profile status of your friend then tap on the status and hold for a second.

Trick 9 � Hide Chat

If you are using GBWhatsApp, then you can Hide Chats easily. Just select the chat you want to hide and then tap on triple dots, a menu will get appear, and there you will find the �Hide� option.

Trick 10 � View contact logs

Using GBWhatsApp, you can easily spy. Basically, you can check who and when came online & change profile pics, etc with the help of contact logs option in GBWhatsApp.

To view contact logs, Follow the steps below-

  • Tap on the + icon on the home page of GBWhatsApp
  • The Click on the Document icon (at the end of the list)
  • A contacts log will get open

Trick 11 � Lock a Chat

You can always lock a chat if you are using GBWhatsApp. GBWhatsApp Allow you lock on chats to make messaging more secure.

Trick 12 � Increase Upload size limit

You can increase the upload size limit in GBWhatsApp easily. Tap on triple dots again then tap on GB Settings and then select Media Sharing.

As you can see in the Image, you can increase video upload size up to 50MB and audio upload size up to 100MB. Also You can set Maximum resolution for statuses.

Trick 13 � Message Scheduler

Want to wish your friend�s birthday at midnight, but you love to sleep also? Don�t worry with the help of Message Scheduler feature in GBWhatsApp you can schedule your message at any time.

To Schedule, a message follow the steps-

  • Tap on three dots.
  • Now a menu will appear, find �message scheduler� and tap on that.
  • Now Pre-Scheduler interface will get open, Click on + icon available at the bottom right side corner.
  • Select a contact from the contacts list.
  • Write your message and set the date & time and the tap on schedule.

These are the Best GbWhatsApp Tricks That Every User Should Know. We hope this article would be beneficial to our readers. If you have any query or suggestion, please leave us a comment.

Disclaimer: Technofaq doesn�t associate itself with any apps that is present outside the Google Playstore. Use these apps which aren�t endorsed/featured/approved by Google Playstore at your own risk.� This 3rd party article should be taken strictly as an informative guide for the app and we are not responsible, nor do we partake with any infringement, damage, data loss that may happen whatsoever after after using said apps.�

Xbox360 Rechargable Battery Pack Not Charging The Fix Is Here!

So your rechargeable battery pack for your wireless Xbox360 controller isn�t charging, no matter what you do ayyy? And do you object to paying for another one? �Fear no more, I have two quick solutions to fix this. They both work for people (it all depends on the battery�s �unseen condition�. I have a black pack here that I just tried both of these methods which the second method worked on.

Firstly why does this happen

Ni-MH battery�s lose 30% charge in this first day with no use, then the charge rate decreases and will completely discharge at room temperature in about 30 days. The problem that you have run into is that the battery is so low that it won�t accept a charge. The capacitance of the battery its self is changing polarity to a near neutral when it reaches such a dead point. By forcing the recharge on the battery over and over again you are giving the battery enough of a charge to allow it to recharge as per normal again.

First Method

I must say thanks to the guys at Gamespot and especially�LightSpecter101�in�his post there.

Basically using your play and charge kit, a controller and said �dead� battery pack, you turn�on your 360, plug in your play and charge kit and put the battery in a controller. Plug the play and charge kit into the controller and you should see the light turn red. This means it is charging. But�quickly it goes green. Green means it is not charging. As soon as it turns green unplug it from the play and charge kit and re-plug it in again.

You must repeat this process until the red light remains on.

The Second Method

Thankfully I came across this method as I have a black controller with a black Microsoft Official battery pack and it simply was not charging!�I tried different controllers, different play and charge kits and it just did nothing! Thankfully YouTube did have an answer for me and probably many other users. Thanks to�fraviaseeker�from YouTube, his �paperclip fix� worked well! Check the video out bellow.

Basically there are six terminals and you take a paperclip/length of wire and short the 2nd and 5th terminal (left to right). �Because you are shorting it the paperclip/wire will get hot.
Keep doing this until the clip/wire stops getting hot.

Then, put the clip on the 1st and 5th terminal and then 2nd and 6th terminal to reset the logic board of the battery.

All of this is outlined in the video above.

What I did after was put the battery to charge and it has been charging for over 5 minute�s straight now (red light woohoo).

Note: For the new�xbox one controller iphone.

Feel free to leave a comment if you wish.

Good luck and hope either of these tricks work for you.

How To Fix 8267-a110-ab12

How to Fix [pii_email_1a85c09ee7a236c446b6] Error Code Solved

[pii_email_1a85c09ee7a236c446b6] Error Code of Outlook Mail with Solutio

Potential customers cause this blunder code for some different thoughts. Some tech specialists say it very well may be on the grounds that your Microsoft Outlook is obsolete or not all around set-up with your strategy. In any case, when confronted with the [pii_email_1a85c09ee7a236c446b6] mistake code? Try not to stress, here are a few rules that are confident of tackling your issue.

Microsoft Outlook is a unique piece of correspondence in the course of our life. We use it to send and get messages from the sources we are contrasted and. Now and then things work out positively and now and then issue emerge. Microsoft Outlook additionally has such a large number of issues or bugs, and when we face a few issues, we attempt our brilliant to address them as there is an answer for all issues. [pii_email_1a85c09ee7a236c446b6] mistake code is furthermore one of those blunders, and we will see at this to determine it.

In the event that you see the blunder technique [pii_email_1a85c09ee7a236c446b6] it recommends that Microsoft Outlook isn’t working accurately. So everything would you be able to do to make Microsoft Outlook Mail work appropriately? Here are some simple directions:

Methods To Fix [pii_email_1a85c09ee7a236c446b6] Error Code Solution


This article proposed to illuminate you around the [pii_email_1a85c09ee7a236c446b6] Error Code. We attempted to tackle this issue in Microsoft Outlook. I guess a portion of the strategies have worked for you. On the off chance that you actually have not addressed the issue, kindly remark beneath, and we will attempt to locate a potential answer for you. You can moreover have a go at taking assistance straightforwardly from the Microsoft uphold group.

Also Read How To Fix [pii_email_5b7450b3c52ee3dc0fbe] Outlook Error Code


















































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Limetorrents Proxy

Limetorrents Proxy | 100% Working Unblock Limetorrents Proxies/Mirrors

Limetorrents Proxy – Why Use One?

A Limetorrents proxy is an application that controls your downloading of torrent files. It is a trusted program for many people, and it is only right that you should use it to its fullest potential.

Here’s a general rule of thumb for using these applications. First, know how to use them. Second, know how they work. There are two ways to use Limetorrents proxies. The first way is by downloading free software from the website. This may be all you need in order to enjoy the advanced features of this program. If you want to download unlimited content, you can do so by buying a paid version of the software.

Of course, you’ll want to be able to download as much content as possible. The free Limetorrents unblock programs allow only one download at a time. However, if you are someone who wants to download unlimited files, this may not be the best option for you. That is where paid versions come in.

Just be aware that there are a few downsides to paid versions of the software. The first is that you won’t be able to download unlimited files. But this isn’t as big of a deal as it may seem at first.

Table of Contents

How to Download from limetorrents Proxy

The second is that there is a small fee to pay for each download. You can certainly afford this, as many people find that downloading unlimited torrents using this software is very convenient. The most important thing, though, is that you will be able to download the highest quality files possible.

When you download from Unblocked Limetorrents, you want to have access to high-speed internet. Because of this, the program doesn’t work at all without it. But there is no way that you can download files at anything but high speed using the software. There are other methods of downloading files that require you to have slower internet.

LimeTorrents Official Main Domain Changed to

Unofficial Proxy URLs :

Downloading files with a proxy is fairly easy. The software itself acts as a proxy. All you have to do is connect to it with your personal computer, or you can even connect to it remotely using your web browser.

After connecting to the proxy, the download begins, but only when you get to that point is it worth it for security reasons. Remember, downloading copyrighted material can get you into serious trouble. You can also be held liable for those downloads, and even those files themselves.

Protect yourself and your family. Downloading unauthorized copies of legal media can get you into some serious trouble. Protect yourself by getting a good proxy for the job.

Limetorrents isn’t the only program that comes with a Limetorrents proxy. But it is the most popular, and it is always available to use. If you really want to use this type of application, it is worthwhile to spend the money to buy a paid version of the software.

Don’t get caught up in the hype of the newest software that claims to give you unlimited download speeds. Find the software that works for you.


Guideline: Downloading copyright-protected content is never supported, the article is for information purposes only. Contents not illegal to download from Torrents. It is illegal when copyrighted materials are downloaded and distributed.

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Publisthispost is an informative blog, youthful is a gathering of business visionaries whose desire is to offer a voice to different feeling holders crosswise over different geologies. our site has information about Technology write for us Gadgets, Business, Education, Entertainment, Health & more.

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KissCartoon – 20 Best Alternatives And Mirrors in 2021 [100% Working] 

It would be a folly to say that cartoons suffer existential despair in today’s time. But trust me, those dark times aren’t here yet. It is a truth universally acknowledged that cartoons are love, like literally. You obviously can’t deny how magically stimulating they are. They taught us that your ‘different’ makes you, it’s a part of who you are. Although we missed out on the teachings most of the time, all of us know that it is a Herculean task, being different.

What Is KissCartoon?

One of the many websites that offer free streaming for animes wherein you can watch your favorite cartoons online. There is a lot of choices and it is available in high definition quality. Managed by KissAnime network, the site is easily navigable. The site features a wide variety of U.S. cartoons, movies and, animes.

Kisscartoon also provides the safest streaming of your favorite cartoons and animes, all in one place. The website is easily accessible on whatever platform you prefer.

What Happened To KissCartoon?

Kisscartoon was shut down much to the user’s shock. The site abruptly shut down in 2017. Due to copyright issues, the site got shut down. It was caught up by DMCA. It was known to have great audio and video quality but ultimately, it got shelved much to the fan’s chagrin.

There’s nothing worst than not having something dear to you. But don’t you dare worry we are here with alternative sites where you can watch all your favorite cartoons and anime, all for free. To facilitate your search the links to the sites have also been provided.


URL to the site-

Kisscartoon.Info is one of the best alternatives out there for watching your favorite anime or cartoon. The site is loaded with all the content to keep you engaged indefinitely which includes The Simpsons’, Justice League, The Jetsons, Haikyuu, Transformers series, and the list goes on and on. It is popular because of its easily navigable interface.

By long shot, KissCartoon is where you can watch your favorite series at your leisure without spending a single penny. It might also act as a great time killer during this boring lockdown.

2. KissAnime

URL to the site-

Are you a die-hard anime lover? Then KissAnime should be a ‘must’ visit for you. A well-equipped site that offers you rich content that includes Spirited away, Weathering with you, the famous Naruto series, and several others to make your summer ride a smooth one.

The interface is effortless and quick which makes it user-friendly. Also, they don’t charge you. They provide dubbed and subbed content which is also download-able. Visit the site to get your hands on some extraordinary anime content.

3. CartoonExtra

URL to the site-

If you are into cartoons and anime this is the right place to land on with a not-so-soon ending list this site has about all the cartoons you have ever heard of. With more than enough content, this site is a paradise for children with Dora and her adventures, Sponge bob square pants, Loony Toons, and so on. You name it and it’s here.

Simple yet impressive interface. All the celebrated cartoons to hit you with a wave of nostalgia. You won’t regret it.

4. AnimeToon

URL to the site-

The AnimeToon is yet another site similar to KissCartoon where you can watch all your favorite childhood stuff which includes all the episodes of Ben10, Tom and Jerry, American Dad, Pokemon and apart from them it also has a section for dubbed anime, a section solely dedicated to movies.

The site has engaging content that interests almost all the age groups. The site gives you a high-quality video experience for all your favorite shows.


URL to the site- is also one of the best alternatives to KissCartoon out there. The site is easily navigable for users and your cartoons can be easily found. It has a broad spectrum of cartoons and if cartoons are your one true love, then thi site is definitely for you.

The video quality is seamless, endless content, and its many other features make your visit worthwhile. The site is easy to browse. The only thing that can annoy you is the ads popping up between the videos.


URL to the site-

This site is similar to the above-mentioned website( and is also a good alternative to Kisscartoon. With cartoons like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Transformers and, Scooby-Doo at the click of a finger, no one’s stopping you. So, what are you waiting for?

This site gives a pool of choices for your favorite cartoon. The interface is smooth and you can navigate through easily.

7. 9Anime

URL to the site-

Are you a deep-dyed anime fan? If so, then this site should have all your attention. This site comes with a smooth interface and has a well-categorized section for all your anime. They’ve got a notable amount of content and they have regular updates as well.

User-friendly interface and is accessible on any platform. It’s worth a visit.

8. Chia-Anime

URL for the site-

A very popular site to stream all your cartoon and anime videos. It has a great range of high-quality videos with a never-ending list with dubbed and subbed video content Apart from your favorite anime this site provides you to have your favorite manga on go.

The interface is quite simplistic and thus user-friendly. Trust me you will never get bored of it.

9. Cartoons.on

URL for the site-

Everyone loves cartoons, and if you are one of them then you must visit this site. Undoubtedly, this site has some of the most celebrated content. From shows like Baby Loony Toons, the Flintstones to series such as Justice League, Ice Age has all the captivating content for just about all the age groups.

The site is regularly updated with all the new content. It has a smooth interface which makes your visit enjoyable.


URL of the site-

AniWatch pops next among the alternatives of KissCartoon.Comprising of a vast library of anime episodes that are up for free online streaming. With Aniwatch all your boredom is gone for good. The categories include cartoon and anime, recommendations, random, latest series among many others.

Aniwatch keeps on updating its database. The interface is simple to use even for children.

Also, there won’t’s be add popping up. It has a FAQ section to clear any of your doubts and query.

11. WatchCartoonOnline 

URL of the site-

WatchCartoonOnline is one of those websites which has very user-friendly and to be specific gives a child-friendly environment. The cartoon content here ranges from classics to the newest ones. .It has got a substantial amount of content that you can watch anytime and without giving a single penny.

The interface is pretty straightforward which makes your browsing effortless and enjoyable.

The site frequently updates its content. You should give it to go!

12. Crunchyroll

URL to the site-

Crunchyroll is one of the finest sites among all the alternatives of KissCartoon.This site is a one-stop source for all your loved animes and therefore, a must-visit. It has a decent-sized content with an easy-to-navigate interface and high-quality videos to stream. The site gets its content updated frequently.

You can watch all the shows for free. If by any chance you are a Manga fan this site has a section solely dedicated to the beloved Japanese comics. This site is ideal for your cartoon, anime, and Manga fetish. Let’s get on with it!


URL to the site- is the mirror site of KissCartoon which makes it an ideal alternative for watching all your best-loved animes and cartoons. The site has pretty much every show that streamed on the KissCartoon and maybe even more. The content is crisp and enjoyable.

The interface is simple and fairly the same as the KissCartoon. The videos you will stream are of high quality. And the database is updated frequently. So, if you are not yet done with the merry old KissCartoon, then this site is the right choice.

14. CartoonCrazy

URL to the site-

CartoonCrazy is a website to view cartoons and animes. If you’re looking forward to some relaxation, cartoons might come in handy but it can be tiring to find a website that would help you achieve the same.

So get ready to keep your worries at bay. CartoonCrazy is perfect for you. This site has a user-friendly interface, comes with full and latest episodes of your favorite cartoon or anime.

15. B98.TV

URL to the site-

This site undoubtedly holds the power to bring back the 90’s with all the shows from that time. This site has all our dear classics which include Batman and Robin, all the episodes of Scooby-Doo, the Tom and Jerry Tales to what not. The only set back of this website is, the cartoon collection is classic so the content is limited here.

The site has a very simplistic interface and all the content present here is of high quality.

So, if you are a lover of classic cartoons, this site is surely for you.

16. AnimeLab

URL to the site-

AinmeLab explicitly focuses on animes. If you are an evident lover of anime then the site is surely for you. With a large number of choices that include Naruto and Astro boy and so on. You can also watch all your favorite animes here. It comes with a very catchy and smooth interface. The only thing it asks you before you can watch all the content is a simple sign up(but the site is free).

The site has a huge database. The content is regularly updated and provides on-demand anime videos as well and the site is accessible on android, iOS, Windows, Chromecast, etc.

As of now, this site is available in Australia and New Zealand only.

17. DubbedAnime

URL to the site-

As the name suggests DubbedAnime is a place where you can find most of your favorite anime dubbed and subbed. The site deals with animes only. The content is updated regularly so that you won’t miss a single episode of your favorite show.

The site is easy to use, gives you an option to find your favorite show which eases your search. The interface has been kept simple and is user-friendly. The site is accessed on almost all the platforms.

18. ToonGet

URL to the site-

ToonGet brings you a lot of great content for free. You can watch your shows online for as long as you want. The site presents you just about every anime and cartoon you have ever heard of which includes all the episodes of Ben10, Loony Toons, LEGO Star Wars, and much more. It has also got a section for dubbed anime.

The videos are of high quality. And has an up-to-date database. The interface is quite plain and easy to browse. While the popping up of ads while streaming videos is a drawback.

19. AnimePlanet

URL to the site-

AnimePlanet along with its fantastic animes also brings you some decent collection of Manga. The site comes with a huge library of animes for you to stream and has almost every new release. The interface is quite simple and easy to use. There’s no sign up required for watching your favorite show.

The site has high-quality videos and re-equipped database. I recommend you to visit the site and trust me, this site won’t let you down.

20. WatchAnimeDub

URL to the site-

Who said cartoons are watched by anyone but kids? ’cause they can sure as to go to hell with their crappy philosophy. WatchAnimeDub is another great alternative to KissCartoon out there. It brings you a great collection of anime and cartoons on one platform. You can also find your favorite shows with English-dubbed and subbed versions.

The videos are offered in high quality. The website has got a bit groovy look. The interface is simple, you can browse your videos very easily. A must-visit!


So? You ready to binge on your favorite cartoons? ‘cause I am. Contrary to what people think, cartoons DO NOT come with an age restriction. You decide what you watch and trust me, watching cartoons is the best one so far. Who doesn’t want a break from this constant turmoil our lifestyle forces us to be a part of? Growing up sucks and there’s enough evidence to that. An escape from this ruckus is what everyone craves and cartoons help you do it. We can already see you grinning from ear to ear. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get on with it already.


No, these sites don’t charge for their content. You can watch your favorite cartoon or anime anytime for free.

Not. Most of them do not require any kind of subscription on the least they will ask you to sign up.

Pop-up ads can be annoying. Well, there’s a solution to it. You can download Ad-blocker extension on your browser which will prevent ads from popping up.

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